Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Sweet and innocent?

Who'd have thought there was a dark side to the innocent world of children's sweets? Not content with popping space rocks and smoking candy cigarettes, news reports today reveal that kids have taken to snorting crushed up Love Hearts and Refreshers.

Tell-tale signs of doing lines of Love Hearts include a sticky foam oozing from the nostrils; amusingly named drug expert Peggy Sapp is worried that it could lead to children becoming interested in illegal drugs.

Love Hearts have always been something of a controversial sweet, what with their salacious messages like "Be Mine" and "I Want U", so it's hardly surprising they're at the centre of this latest outrage.

Perhaps a campaign against irresponsible confectionary manufacturers is called for. As well as Love Hearts, here are a few others that might warrant some attention:

Allens "Chicos" are a chocolate flavoured jelly baby-style sweet, which in and of itself is not a bad thing, but there's something slightly unnerving about the idea of naming a sweet Chicos, not to mention the sinister packaging design.

If they have to have a sweet based on a racial minority, at least choose a name that's a bit more PC. Surely "Native Americans" would be more appropriate.

"Fads" used to be called "Fags", and they taught a whole generation of youngsters how to smoke. The change of name is a step in the right direction and will no doubt have pleased the anti-smoking people, not to mention the gay rights lobby. But "Fun Sticks"? What kind of message does that send out?


  1. Surely Denmark's favourite salty chewing gum, "Spunk", is deserving of a mention here?

  2. Along with Sweden's favourite chocolate, Plopp.
